Sometimes you don’t need a long coaching program or group training. Instead, you might prefer a single, powerful 1-on-1 session to test your ideas with a commercial expert, brainstorm for fresh insights, or take your current approach to the next level.



Strategic Sales Session (90 min)

During the 1.5-hour session, you can fire away all your ideas, questions, and thoughts at owner Lotte. Together, we’ll make sure you leave with more clarity, fresh insights, or a concrete plan within 90 minutes. After the session, you’ll be 'on fire,' with answers and a clear idea of the next steps.


Receive Top of Mind as a gift when you book a session! Available for delivery in the Netherlands and Belgium only. Only available in Dutch.

Ready? This is how it works!

✓ Can we review our current sales strategy and see where we can improve?
✓ What can I do to attract more clients and improve my acquisition process?
✓ Can you help me build my personal brand?
✓ My business is struggling on a commercial level, and things aren’t going as well as I’d like. Can you advise on what to do next?
✓ I want to increase my visibility and reach through social media and/or generate free publicity. How should I do this? 

There are various reasons why clients book a session. Below are some example questions:

✓ I’m a sales manager facing several challenges. Can we brainstorm possible solutions and action points together?
✓ My sales process isn’t clear. Can we work on this together?
✓ I have a number of commercial ideas and/or plans. What do you think, and can you help me brainstorm?
✓ I want to evaluate my offerings, services, or business model. Can you help me with this?

✓ I want to take my personal brand to the next level. What are the next steps for me?
✓ I don't feel comfortable or confident in sales conversations. What can I do differently?
✓ I want to use LinkedIn more in my commercial activities and update my profile. What concrete steps should I take?
✓ We’ve developed a sales plan for the coming year and are looking for someone to review it with us. Is it complete? Where might we be missing opportunities? What can be improved or done differently?

After a quick introduction and agreement to work together, we'll set a date. No preparation is required, but it can be helpful to write down and share any questions beforehand to make the most of the session. The session usually takes place online, but offline options are available upon request.

Work together?

Receive Top of Mind as a gift when you book a session! Available for delivery in the Netherlands and Belgium only. Only available in Dutch.


Looking for more contact moments for yourself or your team? Topsales Amsterdam offers flexible coaching credits (known in Dutch as 'de strippenkaart'). Each credit is equivalent to one hour of coaching, brainstorming, or a strategy-focused session

The service is available starting from 5 credits and isn’t tied to one individual, so you can share the hours with your team, for example. The credits service is often combined with a group training session. After the training, the professionals start working on the 'real deal': applying what they've learned in practice. It's helpful to reflect individually after some time and receive advice and guidance on any potential individual challenges!

Coaching Credits